Monday, December 10, 2012

Dec 10th

AM - Back Squat intense + Snatch intense + Clean and Jerk battery + LEnd tester (1-3 min)
A. Back Squat with Chains @ 50X1, build to a heavy single
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, build to a heavy single
C. 2 touch n go Power Clean and Push Jerk per minute for 10 minutes
D. For time:
30 Thrusters @ 65lb
Row 400m
*Compare to last time, this time will be better in February, but let's see where it is now.
A. 215# at tempo.... no chains, they are broken
B. 155# failed at 160# video below threw up the 160# easier than I thought and was not prepared to catch it
C. 150# x 5 min, 155# x 2 min, 160# (failed 2nd push jerk out in front), 160#, 165#
Kept these tng for the entire movement, had i only kept the clean tng i could have done more but wanted to stay quick and explosive
D. 2:34 video below, paced the thrusters and felt great, row was tough.. like a 1:48 pace and couldn't get it going faster.
Last time was a 500m row and I got 3:01 after a day of snowboarding and traveling, i remember that being awful. 

PM - Swimming MAP
Swim 25 m all out x 30 sets, rest as needed to keep effort and times consistent
Felt the best I ever had swimming and I think it was because the pool was much colder than usual (someone said they heard one of the pool heaters broke, chilly at first but I felt much faster and less exhausted). Each set was about 18 seconds, with 1 min of rest towards the end 1:15 of rest

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