Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snow Day

Drove up to the snow late last night. Got to bed late and woke up at 6am to do part 1. That went pretty bad, I felt limited by my breathing from the altitude. Pretty crazy how much of a difference that makes (I live @ 350ft altitude and went to my cabin at about 5,000ft). Heavy KBS always wind me badly too. KBS were actually okay, it was the burpees I couldn't push through faster.
After part 1, I went snowboarding ALL day today, then drove home 4+hours and went straight to the gym to get in part 2. Not ideal recovery but I thought I would make out fine...
Thrusters took me exactly 1 minute, 5 second transition to start rowing and I was dead. I thought thrusters would be more like 45 seconds so I was already off pace. My legs were killing me all drive home and I couldn't push through on the rower. Held a 1:42 for the first half, then crashed. Rowed a 1:55 to finish at 3:01.
I haven't snowboarded all year so I was really excited to go, I thought I would be in great shape to hit my work outs and enjoy my time on the mountain. I will probably rethink this for next time, I underestimated long traveling and altitude, which caused poor performances. I am disappointed, but somewhat pleased to have fit all this into 1 day. Being out on the mountain snowboarding was a blast though!
For time:
KBS - 32kg - 10,8,6,4,2
Push-up Burpees - 9,9,9,9,9
Notes above

For time:
30 Thrusters - 65lb
Row 500m
*Goal is sub 2:45 min
Notes Above

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