Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dec 11

5 sets @ 90%:
15 Kipping HSPU
Run 200m
Walk 1 min
1:05, 1:03, 1:03, 1:06, 1:17
200m with turn arounds.
Sets 1 thru 4 of hspus unbroken, last set was 13+2, had to break up this set because of shoulder fatigue, no more pushing strength. Runs were tough, breathing was high but not an big issue. Even with kipping, I hit shoulder fatigue in the HSPUs on the last set. 5 sets seemed to be the limit.
5-7 min rest
5 sets @ 90%:
15 Chin-ups
20 Thrusters @ 45lb
Walk 1 min
:57, :55, 1:09, :55, 1:16
Sets 1 and 2 felt good, set 3 I had to break up thrusters... my arms were so tired and shaking especially at the top of the thruster. Set 4 went well, set 5 needed to rest before thrusters and broke them up. Breathing was good throughout and legs were good too, upper body very tired. Pull ups were all unbroken, but tough. Could not keep this going for another set due to upper body fatigue.
5-7 min rest
5 sets @ 90%:
15 Russian KBS - 32kg
15 GH Sit-ups
Walk 1 min
1:07, 1:07, 1:08, 1:15, 1:09
I have never been a fan of GHD sit ups. This was a brutal combo, once again breathing was high but hit muscular fatigue first. Grip was killer in the beginning which was left over from the pull ups in the previous couplet. Towards the end I had less "pop" in the GHD sit ups, they just got hard, quads were tired after each set, and lower back felt pretty fatigued once I was done. Set 4 took a bit longer transition from kbs to the ghd's but kept all sets unbroken, GHDs felt so slow by the end which is not entirely reflected in the scores. Could have gone for one MAYBE two more sets, but glad I was done at 5, GHDs give me a headache that lasts about 20 mins, started to get a little dizzy here but I usually get somewhat dizzy with GHD's. GHDs would be an exercise that I would need to stop on eventually. My abs are going to be so sore. 

I forgot to mention the last time (2 tuesdays ago) I did this type of work out, I was sooo sore on Wednesday. I think this will be the case tomorrow too. 

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