Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feb 22

15,12,9,6,3 rep rds for time:
Clean and Jerk - 75lb
Bar Facing Burpees
Notes: Felt awful. I wanted to stop the entire time because I was so off pace and not feeling it at all, clean and jerks were unbroken but transitions and burpees were painfully slow. My quads were cramping like crazy on burpees. I felt pretty bad after the set of 15's. This work out reminded me of the way I felt during the KBS/Thruster LEndurance session a couple weeks ago. Not sure why I felt and performed so poorly, but certain couplets destroy me and I guess this is another to add to the list.

Run 1000m @ 80% effort
3 min recovery
35,25,15 rep rds for time @ high aerobic effort:
Russian KBS - 24kg
Air Squats
3 min recovery
Row 1000m @ 80% effort
3 min recovery
10 rounds @ high aerobic effort:
3 Chest to Bar Chin-ups
10 walking lunges
3 min recovery
Run 1000m @ 80%
Notes: Felt really good this evening. A good bounce back from this morning. Felt good throughout each part here. Pacing seemed spot-on and recovery was great. Felt ready to go after each 3 minute recovery period. This was good... it's reassuring after being beat up this morning. 

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