Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Aug 6th

AM - MAP Low %'s (upper pull gym included)
10 min @ 75%:
1 wall walk
3 toes to bar
50 single unders
25 du's
50 single unders
5 rd + 4 reps
Finally feeling a little better at singles but they're still a work in progress
--3 min rest
10 min @ 75%:
1 rope climb to 15ft
5 kipping hspu
200m row
5 rd + 121m 
--3 min rest
10 min @ 75%:
5/arm turkish get-ups @ 20lb DB - on alternating
10 gh sit-ups
3 rd + 5 reps
PM - Running Z1
20 minute Run @ 50%

Training this week has been a bit better, a bit more enthusiasm going into session and during the sessions. I have been lucky to have a couple of friends to join me for today and yesterday during the mornings. I do like doing my own thing most of the time, but I have been enjoying the opportunities to work out with others the past couple weeks. Still not up to speed but feeling like I am climbing my way out of the training slump I have been in for the last 2-3 weeks. Could be the weather too-- its been around 75 this week instead of 95 so it makes everything much more enjoyable and comfortable. Should be up to speed soon. 

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