Monday, August 5, 2013

Aug 5

A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep x 10 sets, 2 min - 2 sets @ 150lb, 2 sets @ 155lb, 3 sets @ 160lb, 3 sets @ 165lb
B. Back Squat @ 40X1, 2 reps @ 85% RM x 7 sets, 2:30 min
C. Ring Muscle-ups, 4 unbroken per min for 8 mins
D. GH Raise Drop Set Cluster, 6.6 x 4 sets, 2 min - slow tempo for first 6 reps, fast tempo for last 6 reps, add/reduce intensity as needed
E. Front Rack KB Carry @ 24kg/arm, 15 sec walk per min for 10 mins - keep rib cage down, forearms tight to chest
F. Weighted Front Bridges on Elbows, 60 sec hold x 4 sets, 120 sec rest - place 25lb plate on back
A. Completed, failed the first 2 snatches @ 165# but got the last one. A little frustrating but I didn't get hung up on it
B. @ 208#... tough
C. Completed, at 4 sets I really wasn't sure if I would make it through, the last 2 sets were really hard, especially the last rep on the lock out.
D. Completed, hard
E. completed, hard
F. Completed, hard
9-- challenging session today but made it through! Everything felt pretty good, body and energy were fine and held up good. Just a lot of tough things in the same session. The KB carries were so much tougher than I thought they'd be.
PM - Airdyne MAP
5 x 2 min Airdyne @ 90%/2 min Airdyne @ 50% - goal is to maintain 90% pace from last week
Held on pretty good to last week but last week I took RPMs not MPH but i think MPH is a better measurement to use from here on out. I am still getting used to all the controls on the airdyne after using one without with a working monitor for the longest time
6.08 Miles and 239 cals, 90% was about 21 mph give or take .5mph
Peanut post AD

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