Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 30th & 31st

10 min @ 75%:
10 R Arm Periscope Lunges @ 25lb DB
10 L Arm Periscope Lunges @ 25lb DB
150 Jump Rope Singles
--3 min rest
10 min @ 75%:
1 legless rope climbs to 15ft
20 alternating step-ups - 20"
20 unanchored sit-ups
--3 min rest
10 min @ 75%:
5 strict knees to elbows
10 air squats
15 unbroken DU's x 5 sets (2 breaths b/t sets)
Headed over to the other crossfit gym in town to complete this with another athlete. It was a pretty exhausting session. I didn't keep track of my rounds, just did it. notes: I suck at single jump ropes, my abs killed on the legless rope climbs. The rope climbs were tough by the end, I think I did 5 or 6 rounds here and I was trying to use my legs for momentum but it was really hard because my abs were fatigued. 
PM - Running Z1
20 minute Run @ 50%
Wednesday - Clean intense + Squat mod + HSPU/RDL + Lateral Brace Core
A. Below Knee Hang Squat Clean off blocks, build to a tough single
B. Front Squat @ 40X1, 3 reps @ 80% RM x 5 sets, 3 min
C. Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts @ 30X0, 8-10 reps x 5 sets, 2 min - wear straps, lower bar until weights 2-3"off floor, start @ 145lb
D. 3 tough Strict HSPU per min for 20 mins 
E. Weighted Side Bridge, 30 sec per side x 8 sets per side, 30 sec b/t sides
A. 193#, overdue for a video so there is one below
B. @180#
C. this was so hard again, i had to adjust the weights
145#(9), 145#(7), 138#(8) for remaining 3 sets
D. Min 1-12 @ 6", 13-16 @ 5", 17-20 @ 4"
E. Completed with 20#

193# Below Knee Clean Off Blocks from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.

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