Monday, July 29, 2013

July 27th & 29th

AM - Snatch intense + Squat mod + Ring MU's/GHD + Anterior Brace Core
A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep x 8 sets, 2 min - 2 sets @ 150lb, 2 sets @ 155lb, 2 sets @ 160lb, 2 sets @ 165lb
B. Back Squat @ 40X1, 3 reps @ 80% RM x 6 sets, 3 min
C. Ring Muscle-ups, 3 unbroken per min for 12 mins
D. GH Raises @ 20X0, 5-6 reps x 6 sets, 1 min
E. Weighted Front Bridges on Elbows, 30 sec hold x 8 sets, 60 sec rest - place 45lb plate on back
A. Completed, failed last 165# snatch though just not being entirely focused. My other snatches felt like some of my best
B. @198#
C. Completed never really got that tough
D. 6 reps each set with 10#
E. completed, kinda hard by the last 4 sets
PM - Airdyne MAP
10 x 1:30 min Airdyne @ 90%/1:30 min Airdyne @ 50% - goal is to maintain 90% pace from last week
did this way too close to eating, felt like I had no push and felt kinda sick, no fun. 
312 cals total but efforts didn't feel as good as they should have been

This past Sat work out:
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
20 Pistols
10 L Pull-ups - hold L on ascent and descent
5 min rest
30 min @ 75%:
200m Run
10 above knee hang muscle snatch @ 45lb
150 jump rope
10 OHS @ 45lb - 1 sec pause in bottom of every rep
I didnt keep track of either work out, just wanted to go through it. efforts weren't my best but just got thru them. the first one my L pull ups fell to crap faster than I thought they would so that was discouraging. The second one I dont have any 200m marker so i just did 30 sec out and 30 sec back each round
PM - Rowing MAP
Complete 1 round @ high effort per min for 15 minutes:
4 Above Knee Hang Power Clean and Push Press @ 95lbs 
4 Lateral Barbell Burpees
This was tougher than I thought but kinda fun

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