Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 1st & 2nd

AM - Snatch intense + C&J intense + Vertical CP
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1 - build to a max set
B. Squat Clean Cluster, 1.1 - build to a tough set
C1. Push Press @ 11X1, 3-3-3-2-2, 2 min
C2. Weighted Parallel Chin-ups on Rings @ 30X3, 3-3-3-2-2, 2 min
A. 160#-- didn't feel great, didn't get 165 even for a single
B. 185#
C1. 145#, 150#, 160#, 163#(1), 158#
C2. 10#, 15#, 25#, 30#, 32.5#

PM - Rowing MAP
5 x 90 sec Row @ 75%/90 sec Row @ 50% - damper 3, hold same paces as last week
3 min rest
Turkish get-up practice @ 24kg
3 min rest
5 x 90 sec Row @ 75%/90 sec Row @ 50% - damper 3, hold same paces as last week
24kg feels heavy for a tgu for me, these were tough so volume was very low

AM - BSq mod + RDL/Dip + SL int
A. Back Squat @ 20X1, 2 reps @ 85% RM x 5 sets, 3 min
B. Romanian DL @ 20X0, 5-5-3-3-1-1, 2 min
C. CGBP @ 20X1, 3 reps @ 80% RM per min for 10 mins - stop if you can no longer make 3
D. Front Rack BB Walking Lunges @ 20X0, 3/leg per min for 10 mins - all sets @ 135lbs
A. @208#
B. 153#, 163#, 173#, 178#, 188#, 193#
C. Completed @ 125# --- manageable 
D. Completed, this felt easier than last week (still tough) probably because I got a bit more rest-- last week was so hard
PM - Running Z1
20 min Run @ 50%
Will Complete Later

This past Sat work out:
AM - MAP Varied
Complete 1 round every 3 mins for 30 mins:
9 toes to bar
9 front squat @ 65lbs
9 lateral barbell burpees
50 DU's
Started off easy but then got really really hard, perfect cabin work out. Simple yet effective 

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