Friday, June 28, 2013

225# Front Squat

A. Front Squat, build to a max for the day
B. 3 Position Squat Snatch (above knee, below knee, floor), 1 rep per position x 6 sets, 1:30 min - start @ 85lbs, add 5lbs per set
C. Power Clean. Split Jerk. BTN Split Jerk, 1.1.1 @ 115lb x 6 sets, 1 min
D. 30 Kipping HSPU to 6" Depth for time
E1. Back Rack Barbell Alternating Step-ups to 20" @ 11X0, 8/leg x 3 sets, 1:30 min - start @ 75lbs
E2. Ring Rows @ 30X3, 6-9 reps x 3 sets, 1:30 min
A. 225#, 10# PR
B. Completed
C. Completed
D. 3:31
E1. 75#, 85#, 95#... these were really tough but felt better than last week's front rack position 
E2. elevated my feet and put a 12# DB on hips reps were 8/7/8

225# Front Squat from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.

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