Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 26th

A. Below Knee Hang Muscle Snatch. Below Knee Hang Power Snatch, 2.1 - build to a challenging set 
B. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1 @ 155lb x 6 sets, 1:30 min
C. 3 sets:
7-10 unbroken Ring Muscle-ups
90 sec Airdyne @ 90%
90 sec Airdyne @ 75%
180 sec rest
5 min rest
For time:
Rope Climbs to 15ft - 5,4,3,2,1
Wall Climbs - 5,5,5,5,5
unbroken DU's - 75,75,75,75,75
A. 100#, felt solid
B. completed
C. 9 MU/46 cals
7 MU/ 41 cal
7 MU/40 cal
this was tough. failed my 10th MU i think i psyched myself out ughhh, i want 10 unbroken bad! didnt go to failure in the other sets because 7 was plenty tough enough there was definitely no guarantee I would hit 8 on either set
17:29 i felt so winded during this, it was so hard and i felt like it really didn't go well, i just felt like I was dragging ass. I only messed up double unders on my last set @ 25 so that was my only restart thankfully. 

Overall I definitely still felt tired from yesterday's morning session. When I first saw today's work out on Sunday I knew it was going to be tough, glad that's done! why do wall climbs suck so much?

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