Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 8th

Wednesday - LP2-->LEnd + MAP single
3 sets ALL OUT:
30 sec Thrusters @ 85lbs
20 sec Airdyne
6 min b/t sets
Set 1: 14 thrusters 11 cals AD
Set 2: 15 thrusters 11 cals AD
Set 3: 13 thrusters 9 cals AD
Fell off on set 3 and couldn't recover after so called the training session there. Came back in the evening to complete the rest as a double day. 
5 min extra rest
3 sets ALL OUT:
25 Burpees to 6" OH
6 min b/t sets
53 seconds, 52 seconds, 53 seconds
5 min extra rest
15 minute Row @ 50%-->75% over the time
3,108m @2:24.8 ave

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