Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7th

AM - Snatch moderate + C&J moderate + DL int
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 @ 135lb x 5 sets, 3 min b/t sets
B. Squat Clean. Split Jerk. BTN Split Jerk, 1.1.1 @ 155lb x 5 sets, 3 min b/t sets
C. DL, 2 touch n go @ 245lb per min for 10 mins
A. Completed. Something clicked today and I actually didn't hesitate during my second pull and the bar popped off my hips (not thighs) super stoked. Wanted to do like 10 sets just because I finally felt like I was doing a snatch right. This is great practice that can get me to a 185# snatch one of these days, I know it.
B. Completed, felt good
C. Completed, not too hard. I could have done more reps or more load and still sustained the on the minute work. 
3 sets:
5-7 Ring Muscle-ups
2 minute Airdyne @ 90%
3 minute b/t sets
7 muscle ups every round, pretty happy with that, they felt great today. dips were easy, the turn over on the 7th rep was really the only tougher part of these.
Cals on AD: 35, 35, 33
3 sets:
20 HSPU UB every round: 28 sec, 26 sec, 26 sec
30 sec rest
20 Chin-ups UB every round: 21 sec per round
30 sec rest
400m Run @ 90% 1:41, 1:44, 1:46
3 minute b/t sets
All HSPU and chins were unbroken! Excited about that. Chin ups actually got easier throughout the set. The first 5 were tougher than the last 5. Runs were tough, felt like I had a decent push but they were tiring.

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