Friday, May 10, 2013

May 10th

AM - Snatch moderate + DL int + Upper Press Stamina
A. Squat Snatch. OHS, 1.2 x 5 sets, 3 min - start @ 145lb, add 5lbs per set
B. Deadlift Cluster, build to a tough triple - drop each rep
C. Shoulder to Overhead @ 100lbs, 10 reps per min for 5 mins - use a fat bar if possible
D. 5 Kipping HSPU every 30 sec for 5 mins
A. Completed, video of last 2 sets below
B. 285#
C. Completed, i dont have a fat bar, there are these fat grips at the gym but i could only find 1. I'll keep trying to look for them, theyre like the thing that lays around for 2 years unused 
D. Completed, shoulders felt really tired during the last 5 sets

PM - Chipper practice
5 sets @ high effort:
20 Wall Balls - 14# to 10 ft
20 C2B Chin-ups
20 Pistols
20 DB Snatch @ 50lbs
Rest same as work time

I think I went too fast on the first set, I wasn't feeling quite recovered when it was time for set 2. 

All wall balls unbroken with ease. First 2 sets of pull ups were unbroken, last 3 were in 3 sets (10/5/5, 7/7/6, 9/6/5). Felt winded after the pull ups, and when I had to break I think that's where I lost a lot of time because I didn't get right back on the bar. Pistols alternating. DB snatches I did a couple rounds alternating and a few rounds of 3/3 per arm, I like the 3/3 better. I haven't read the rules for the 100s work out so I don't know if alternating is mandatory. I think the pull ups for the females will separate a lot of athletes, and it will be cool to see who can keep up a good pace for the DB snatches. I think wall balls and pistols are the type of movements where (i would think) everyone can do them and you can only go so fast. 

Snatch. OHS 1.2 160# and 165# from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.

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