Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 14th Double

AM - Snatch moderate + C&J moderate + DL battery
A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep per min for 10 mins @ 155lbs
B. Squat Clean and Push Jerk, 1 rep @ 155lb every 30 sec for 10 mins
C. 5 sets:
12 touch n go DL @ 205lb
12 Box Jumps - 24"
1 min rest
A. Completed, still hitting the right spots which is really exciting since I've been trying to do that for a few years haha
B. Completed
C. Stepped down on all box jumps. DL were Unbroken but 12 reps was really tough rounds 3 and especially 4-5. Had to pause at the top of the later reps on the last couple sets in order to not have to break the set.
55 sec
53 sec
Back felt really fatigued all day and still feels worked. During the DL I know my back is not locked/flat. 205 is still a heavy DL to me.

2 sets:
30 Toes to Bar
400m Run @ 90%
4 min rest
4:20 HSPU 20/10 T2B 10/10/5/5
4:29 HSPU 15/7/8 T2B 10/5/5/5/5
10 min rest
3 sets:
10 Burpee Muscle-ups
2 minute Airdyne @ 90%
4 minute b/t sets
4:11 with 32 cals on AD
4:38 with 30 cals on AD
4:47 with 32 cals on AD
These got tough, upper body felt fatigued. The burpees seem like they affect the muscle up more than I thought they would but I also did a lot of upper body stuff before this
10 min rest
1 set @ high effort:
30 Chin-ups
100 DU's
Pull ups unbroken butterfly
DU's took a while to get my first 20, rhythm just wasn't there for the first 30 sec then I cruised through

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