Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26th

AM - C&J intense + C&J battery + BSq mod
A. Split Jerk, quickly build to 90% RM for a single
B. Squat Clean, 1 RM - go for it
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 2 reps @ 195lbs x 3 sets, 3 min 
D. For time:
10 Squat Clean and Jerk @ 155lbs - sub 2 min
A. 190# felt really easy
B. 210# which ties PR the squat was tough, failed 215# twice... too wiped out/weak
C. completed, felt fine
D. 1:55

PM - Upper CP Battery
10 rounds for time:
2 Ring Muscle-ups
8 KBS - 24kg
all movements unbroken, this was tough

210# Clean + 10x 155#squat clean + Jerk for time from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.

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