Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23rd

AM - Snatch intense + Snatch battery + Bench/BSq with Chains mod
A. Snatch Pull Cluster, 1 rep @ 185lbs x 6 sets, 1 min - use straps
B. Below Knee Hang Squat Snatch, build to a tough single
C. Power Snatch @ 135lb, 1 rep every 30 sec for 15 minutes (you have done this before)
D1. Medium Grip Bench Press @ 20X1, 3-3-2-2-2, 1:30 min
D2. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3 reps @ 60% RM + Chains x 5 sets, 1:30 min
A. Completed
B. 165#-- video below. This went a lot better than I thought it would
C. Completed, easier than I remember it being last time
D1. 135# (3), 140#(3), 145#(2), 150#(2), 150#(1)
D2. @148#+Chains

PM - MU's + MAP Rowing - low %'s
For time:
MU's - 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
GH Sit-ups - 8,8,8,8,8,8,8
GH Raises - 8,8,8,8,8,8,8
*Try to do as much unbroken as possible, does not have to be, just try to do it...
All unbroken!! Muscle Ups set of 5 was definitely the toughest. 
Row 1k @ 50% @2:51/500m ish
Row 1k @ 75% @2:24/500m ish
Row 1k @ 80% @2:15/500m ish 
Total time for row: 14:59.5

Below knee hang squat snatch 165# from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.

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