Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21st

20 min @ 75%:
10 OHS @ 45lbs
20 unbroken DU's x 3 sets
300m Row
6 rounds + 70 reps
--10 min rest
20 min @ 75%:

5 C2B Chin-ups
10 Burpees - no jump @ top
15 cals AD
8 rounds + 6 reps

Played my soccer game before the work out because we had another early game and it was a bit farther away than usual. I scored 2 goals from the sweeper position, so that was fun and we won 3-0. Felt like I was lacking a bit of energy in the work out from the soccer game and heat (it was getting hot even during the mid morning). I sweated big time for somewhere around 3 hours total today, felt good and aerobic. 

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