Friday, April 12, 2013

April 12th

A. Behind the Neck Split Jerk, build to a tough single

B. Squat Clean, build to a tough single
C. 3 Hang Power Clean and Push Jerk @ 155lb per min for 5 minutes - goal is unbroken on all sets
D. Back Squat @ 22X1, 5 reps @ 155lbs x 5 sets, 2 min - tall out of the bottom
A. 203#
B. 193#
C. Completed all unbroken, tough
D. Completed
3 rounds for time:
1 L Rope Climb to 15ft - hold L on ascent and descent
5 Strict HSPU to a 4" Depth
L-sit was surprisingly much better than I thought, I feel that I can get in a better "L" position on the rope rather than pull ups. It still wasn't perfect, but seeing improvement
Complete 1 Rope Climb to 15ft per min for 10 minutes - use legs, stop if you fail
Completed, went straight into this from the first part and completed this with ease. Each climb was in 2 pulls
1 tough weighted Ring Dip every 20 sec for 10 minutes
Completed with 35# DB. I didn't know if I was going to make it so I had Matt bring me over a 30# DB just in case, but I made it through with 35#

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