Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10th

Power Clean and Split Jerk Cluster, 1.1 x 6 sets, 1:30 min - 3 sets @ 125lb, 3 sets @ 145lb
Completed, felt pretty good. Still need some more practice with the jerk but this will help.
3 min @ 90%:
Run 100m
6 C2B Chin-ups
5 rounds
--3 min rest
3 min @ 90%:
10 cals AD
10 KBS - 24kg
3rd + 3 cal
--3 min rest
3 min @ 90%:
Run 100m
 6 Ring Dips
5 rounds
--3 min rest
3 min @ 90%:
10 cals AD
7 Burpees - no jump @ top
2 rounds + 7 burpees
**I misread and did 10 burpees not 7, so results are based off of 10 burpees/rd
--3 min rest
3 min @ 90%:
Run 100m
6 DB Thrusters @ 30/hand
4 rounds
--3 min rest
3 min @ 90%:
10 cals AD
10 Hang Power Snatch @ 45lbs - below knee every rep
2rds + 5 AD cals

The runs were probably the most tiring component of the whole training session. This kind of stuff wears me out but overall, I felt like I held up pretty well despite being very tired by the end.

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