Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20th

 I felt pretty tired going into today's session. I think yesterday really wiped me out. Felt better by the end but it was tough to get going and in the groove.

AM - MAP (30/30--60/60)
3 sets @ 90%:
60 sec Thrusters @ 45lbs 26/26/27..... 45# might as well have been 75# today these were hard
60 sec rest
60 sec Double Unders 92, 88, 104
60 sec rest
5 min rest
3 sets @ 90%:
60 sec Power Clean and Push Press @ 55lbs 20, 16, 15
60 sec rest
60 sec Box Jumps - 20" 27, 26, 27
60 sec rest
5 min rest
3 sets @ 90%:
60 sec Wall Balls - 14# to 9 ft 32, 33, 33
60 sec rest
60 sec Double Unders 91, 84, 88
60 sec rest

PM - MAP Low %'s
20 minute Run @ 50%....Good run through the park
10 minute Rowing @ 50% - damper 3.... Just under 2k meters

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