Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13th

Days like today are very reassuring and make training worthwhile. Every now and then I get in a training slump, mostly because I didn't do as well as I wanted to do or I wasn't mentally checked into the training session. I train hard and some simple things can really bust my confidence like: why is a burpee so damn exhausting, or how can a light weight squat become so tiring when it is nearly 150lbs off my max. These little things are frustrating, but thats the way my body works. I can do well at 1 or 2 reps, and I can bust my ass for less than a minute, but ask me to work for 10 mins with light weights and simple movements and I fall apart from the competition. It's been about a year and a half since I have started working with Michael (circa Oct 2011), this time has really allowed me to work on things and accomplish more than I thought possible. I remember the first few months just trying to get my quad strength up and breathing down. I would do my strength work outs, always by myself and then on other days I would head down to the track and plug my iPod in and run at a very low heart rate just to work on breathing for around 30 minutes. It seemed pointless at first, but at least it cleared my mind and was some quality alone time, which I really enjoy. As the program progressed and "crossfit" season changed, these breathing sessions began to include more of crossfit style movements, still with a breathing focus. After many months of working on my breathing, I have felt the biggest difference probably within the past month. I now do work outs where I hit muscular fatigue before breathing which is great for me because I don't feel like I want to die during some of the work outs. Obviously I still have a long way to go, but when things begin to fall into place, it's a beautiful thing. 
In today's session, all exercises I could breathe on! Muscular fatigue proved to be the toughest component for today. I was so happy to have this happen, it was a good session, confidence was high and I felt great during and after. Of course it was still tough, but after a weekend with burpees crushing me, it was nice to have a session like today's.

Side note: My quads are so sore today from thrusters yesterday! They're becoming more sore throughout the day. 

AM - MAP (30/30--60/60)
3 sets @ 90%:
60 sec OHS @ 55lbs 27, 27, 25
60 sec rest
60 sec Double Unders 111, 94, 91
60 sec rest
5 min rest
3 sets @ 90%:
60 sec Power Clean and Push Press @ 55lbs 18, 16, 17
60 sec rest
60 sec Box Jumps - 20" 27, 28, 25
60 sec rest
5 min rest
3 sets @ 90%:
60 sec DL @ 95lbs - slow and steady 29, 27, 24
60 sec rest
60 sec Wall Balls - 14# to 9 ft 32, 32, 32
60 sec rest

PM - MAP Low %'s
15 minute Run @ 50%
15 minute Rowing @ 50% - damper 3
Run complete
Row complete @ 2:33.4 pace = 2,943 m