Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dec 1st

AM - MAP Scenario's (6-10 min x 3)
3 rounds @ 90%:
15 Toes to Bar
15 Front Squat @ 65lb
15 Box Jump Overs - 24" - must be facing box each rep
7:56, felt like i was moving slow
10 min rest
21,15,9 @ 90%:
DL @ 95lb
GH Sit-ups
10 min rest
2 rounds for time @ 90%:
50 Walking Lunges
100 Double Unders
200ft Bear Crawl

PM - Z1 Running
10-15 minutes ankle, hip, and glute stretching
20 minute Run @ 75% HR
15 min Ice Bath
1 hr massage

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