Friday, November 30, 2012

Nov 30th

AM - CP Stamina - varied
1 DL @ 225lb every 20 sec for 10 minutes - drop each rep @ top
Completed, felt heavy by the end
3 unbroken Muscle-ups for as many minutes as possible
10 mins completed, slipped out of the rings on the 2nd rep of 11th set but was able to recover and complete the dip but this wore me out and i couldn't get over on the 3rd. All reps no false grip, the first 8 sets were quick... about 11 seconds, sets 9 and 10 were slightly slower but still under 16sec
9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time:
KB Push Press @ 20kg/arm
L Pull-ups
KB push press much more managable at 20kg. All reps unbroken but still tough. L pull ups were not great at all, almost all singles. I could hardly hold my feet up by the end, L position is really hard for me.
PM - MAP Rowing
20 x 20 sec Row @ 90%+/40 sec complete rest on Rower- damper 5, hard pace
Felt really exhausted after this, sets were around 101m give or take 2 m per set

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