Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dec 18th

Complete 1 round every 3 minutes for 30 minutes @ 90% effort:
7 KBS - 32kg
7 Ring Dips
7 Box Jumps - 30" - step down
7 GH Sit-ups
Completed. All rounds 1:08 to 1:12, all movements unbroken. Felt great throughout, nothing ever became super tough. KBS were some of the easiest reps I have done at 32 kg ever. Ring Dips would have become the most difficult had this been for more sets, or with less rest. Box jumps were maintainable, I like high box jumps a lot.... probably because they automatically slow me down to an appropriate pace. GHD sit ups were good and easy, 10 reps and under I move well with. Liked this one a lot.
10 min rest
Complete 7 Wall Balls @ 20# every 30 sec for up to 7 minutes - if you fail, stop
Completed, didn't get tiring until the final 3 sets which by that time I had to jump to make the target but I was never worried I wouldn't make it though the 7 min. 

Whether it was the movements, the layout, the work/rest ratio, or just today... I felt great throughout. Breathing was always maintained and all movements were fluid. 

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