Monday, December 17, 2012

Dec 17th

AM - Back Squat intense + Snatch intense + Clean and Jerk battery + LEnd tester (1-3 min)
A. 1 1/4 Back Squat @ 30X1, build to a 2RM - no "bouncing", controlled eccentric always.
B. Snatch Balance, build to a tough single
C. Squat Clean and Split Jerk @ 135lb, AMRAP in 1 minute x 5 sets, 1 minute rest
D. For reps/effort:
30 sec Airdyne
AMRAP C2B Chin-ups
30 sec Airdyne
*Fast transitions, max effort
A. 195#, I am nothing without my bounce!
B. 180# , PR
C. 8/7/5/6/6, wow this was a lot harder than it sounded!
D. 16 reps pull ups, tough
PM - Swimming MAP
Swim 50 m all out x 15 sets, rest as needed to keep effort and times consistent
Completed, all just under 45 sec

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