Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dec 15th

AM - MAP Scenario's (6-10 min x 3)
For time @ 90%:
1000m Row 
50 Thrusters @ 45lb
30 Chin-ups
row 4:10
Thrusters: 25, 9, 6, 10
Chins: 10, 5, 10, 5
row was well paced, maybe even a bit slow, shoulders burned more than legs on thrusters, but breathing felt good, muscles were tired. Did pull ups on a really slippery bar but was still pretty tired by this point. Overall felt good throughout. This is 36 seconds faster than the last time I tested this. I guess the key is to try hard but not too hard! Doing an unbroken jackie would be very cool sometime
10 min rest
3 rounds @ 90%:
1 minute Airdyne
1 minute Burpees to 6" OH 
Burpee reps: 22, 20, 19
10 min rest
3 rounds @ 90%:
Run 400m
21 KBS - 16kg
12 Chin-ups
Runs were much slower than I though they would be, kbs and chins unbroken, hamstrings were very fatigued on runs. 
PM - Z1 Running

10-15 minutes ankle, hip, and glute stretching
20 minute Run @ 75% HR
15 min Ice Bath
Will complete tonight

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