Friday, December 14, 2012

Dec 14th

I have been feeling really tired today. I stopped taking my HRV a couple week ago because the extra 5 mins of sleep seems to be of more value to me since my HRV was not always making the most sense and I don't give myself too much extra time in the morning. I am not really the type of person who wakes up, takes my time, gets ready, maybe makes coffee, makes breakfast and relaxes before heading out for the morning.... I am more of a wake up 12 mins before I need to get out the door type of person. Today I instructed the 6am class and I usually have an 8am client, however we weren't training today, so I went home at 7am and slept until 9am which is when I reset my alarm. It was very hard for me to get back up at 9 but I knew I had to get my first training session in. Went into the gym around 9:30 feeling sleepy. For both sessions today, I felt a lack of energy.
AM - CP Stamina - varied
15 Ring Muscle-ups for time
2:47 all singles, MUs didn't feel super great today, not my best performance here
3 min 
5 sets:
5 touch n go DL @ 225lb
10 sec rest
5 tough Kipping HSPU to Depth
60 sec rest
DL tng and felt good, HSPUs to 8" depth
3 min
15 Bar Muscle-ups for time
2:36, didn't feel well at all. Shoulders were super fatigued, failed a few reps. Very tired, I would like to think on a good day and feeling "fresh" I could do somewhere near 12 to 15 of the bar MUs unbroken, disappointed with the time here.

PM - MAP Rowing
20 x 30 sec Row @ 90%+/60 sec complete rest on Rower- damper 5, 1-2 sec per 500m slower than last week
Didn't feel well going into this, during, or after. My lower back was super tight towards the end I had to get off the rower during the rest because I couldn't tolerate the discomfort. My glutes were on fire after each interval. Didn't have much pull here, results were all around 1:41.5 average(give or take 1.5 seconds throughout the sets) , which ended up to be about 148m (give or take a few meters). 

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