Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nov 27th

7 sets @ 90%:
15 Wall Balls - 14# to 10 ft
10 Chin-ups
1 min b/t sets
43 sec/ 44 sec/ 44 sec/ 44 sec/ 43 sec/ 42 sec/ 44 sec
My breathing and body held up fine, could have kept this up for at least 5 more sets before hitting muscular fatigue which would have probably come before breathing. Wall balls are one of those movements where I feel that I can just keep going on, my quads don't usually fatigue the way they do in other movements and breathing is usually controlled, especially in this scenario. Pull ups felt good, hands are a little beat up from yesterday's hang snatches which was the only hard part since I have a few rips. 
10 min rest
7 sets @ 90%:
7-10 Kipping Ring Dips
15 KBS - 24kg
1 min b/t sets
41 seconds for all sets except 42 sec for set 3 and 40 sec for set 10. All sets 10 ring dips
Breathing was tougher here than the couplet before, but I still felt good. Dips were quick, but I probably couldn't do 10 per set for much longer maybe 3 more sets. KBS get my heart rate up so this is where my breathing got a little heavier, not too bad though. Grip felt tough by the last couple of sets but mostly from my beat up hands. 
10 min rest
7 sets @ 90%:
10 Burpees to 6" OH
50 Double Unders
1 min b/t sets
60 sec/ 75 sec/ 60 sec/ 60 sec/ 58 sec/ 63 sec/68 sec
I had a lot of double under probems. My timing was off I think because I tried so hard on Saturday to get the single jumps down. One set was done unbroken, the other sets had lots of trips. Quads hit fatigue by the last 2 sets of the burpees, still able to move but didn't feel as springy as the previous sets. Breathing was high but was still able to recover b/t sets

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