Monday, November 26, 2012

3RM Hang Snatch

HRV today: 103 red
Seemed a bit high but I took it 3 times and the scores were 102, 103, 107 so I guess it was right. 
AM - Back Squat intense + Snatch intense + Clean and Jerk battery + LEnd tester (1-3 min)
A. Back Squat with Chains @ 22X1, 1-1-1-1, 4 min - only last set hard and slow
B. Build to a 3RM Hang Snatch - any variation you want, bar cannot be dropped b/t reps - goal is 145lb
C. Power Clean into Push Jerk, 2 reps per min for 10 minutes - start @ 135lb, end @ 165lb
D. 1 minute ALL OUT on Airdyne - go for broke
A. Had no chains, someone broke them at the gym and hasn't put them back together, rude. So did the tempo with no chains for sets of 185#, 190#, 195#, 210#
B. 150# video below. Tried 155# but struggled to get the first rep so just stopped there
C. Completed: 135#, 140#, 140#, 145#, 150#, 150#, 155#, 155#, 160#, 165#
D. Brutal, lactate build was really bad by 42 seconds
PM - Swimming MAP
Swim ALL OUT for 25m every 90 sec for 30 minutes
Completed,  somewhere around 15 sec

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