Tuesday, October 16, 2012

OPTathlon Thoughts & Reflection

My 7 week template leading up to the OPTathlon prepared me well for the events. I ended up placing 2nd, same as last year, but 2nd this year is better than 2nd place last year. Here's the breakdown;


BW; 139.6#/ 141#
CJ; 175#/200# 1016 pts/ 1219 pts
Triple Jump; 19 ft 11 in/ 23 ft 9 in 870 pts/ 1212 pts
Rows;  1;50.5, 1;48.8/ 146.9, 1;50.7 1412 pts/ 1425 pts
Circuit; 394 pts/ 598 pts
OH toss;38ft 6 in, 42 ft 1030 pts/ 1169 pts
3k run; 14;57, 15;02 547 pts / 536 pts

Total points
2011; 5,269
2012; 6,159

890 pt improvement; improvement in 5 out of 6 events


  • 200# clean and jerk pr
  • nearly 4 ft improvement on the triple jump
  • 3.5 ft improvement on OH toss
Why did I get 2nd and not 1st?
  • I'm lucky to be as powerful as I am, which in my opinion, is a huge reason I stayed in 1st until the final event.
  • Still not great at the crossfit style work outs, but getting better.
  • Doing worse on the run than last year is not okay.
What do I do to get better?
  • Get my ability to breathe and work to be better; a bit more complex than it sounds
  • Although I improved by 200pts on the circuit, the lack of points I am accumulating there and on the 3k run cannot happen if I want to win. I'm most disappointed that I did worse in my 3k run than last year with all the prep I put into running. 
What's next?
  • Lots of burpees
  • Keep prepping for the open and regionals 2013
  • Improve my ability to do well in CrossFit style work outs so I can be competitive in CrossFit
  • Improve strength and olympic lifts because that is what I enjoy most 

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