Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oct 9th

AM -  Rowing LP2/LEnd
Row 500m @ projected 1st 500m pace at OPTathalon - 1 set only - damper 5
1:46.6, seems appropriate but who knows, sunday will be a whole different story... new environment and probably much better and smoother rowers. The rower I use is 15 years old and never cleaned or treated very well, all of our rowers are like this so I just chose the one where the damper is held up by a stick so I can almost always use the same machine to compare my scores... and yes the damper is seriously held up with tissues and a stick jammed in there!

PM - MAP Scenario's 
3 x 2 minute Run @ 90%/2 min Run @ 50%
5 min rest
10 sets @ 85-90%:
5 Thrusters @ 75lbs
5 Bar Facing Burpees
25 Double Unders
1 min b/t sets
run completed
tougher than I thought it was going to be. Sets stayed consistant about 48 seconds, but pretty tiring overall.

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