Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct 8th

AM - Jumping + Clean and Jerk moderate + Snatch moderate + Front Squat Moderate + Upper CP tester 
A. Standing Triple Jump, 1 max effort rep x 5 sets, 1 min
B. Clean and Jerk, build to 90%RM for a single
C. Front Squat @ 20X1, build to 1RM achieved from last week - no more
D1. Push Press @ 95lbs, 5 reps x 7 sets, 30 sec
D2. 10 COVP Chin-ups x 7 sets, 30 sec
A. Completed, feeling a bit better but still not getting to the 23 foot mark like that 1 day
B. 105x3/135x3/155x1/175x1... felt solid and easy
C. Built to 210#, same weight as last week and it was wayyyy easier today. Sets were 135#/ 155#/185#/205#/210#
D1 + D2. Completed, quick and smooth reps
PM - Off

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