Friday, October 26, 2012

Oct 26th

AM - CP Stamina
30 Kipping HSPU to 8" Depth for time
5 min rest
5 rounds for time:
3 Rope Climbs
6 CGBP @ 100lb
9/leg KB Pistols @ holding 16kg 
7:48, sets were 3,2 then all singles. this was really tough, failed a few
20:31, Rope climbs were okay they get my heart rate up but nothing too crazy, CGBP were all unbroken and the easiest part of the work out... pistols were the toughest. I failed a few trying to come out of the bottom. When I did my rope climbs and dropped, the impact from hitting the floor caused my glutes to cramp everytime. Really tough even after 1 round

PM - MAP Airdyne
30 x 20 sec Airdyne @ 90%+ effort/40 sec EZ Spin on AD
Completed, felt good throughout and had good push at 90%. HR was around 184bpm at the 90% intervals, time went by much faster than I thought it would. 

Back is a little sore today but not as much as I thought it would be, I think I will be pretty sore tomorrow but time will tell

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