Monday, October 22, 2012

Oct 22nd

AM - Back Squat intense + Snatch intense + Clean and Jerk intense + Dip/Chin-up intense
A. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 3-3-3, 5 min - all tough sets
B. Squat Snatch, 1 rep @ 85-90% RM x 7 sets, 2:30 min
C. Power Clean and Split Jerk Cluster, 1.1 x 4 sets, 4-5 min - 1st set @ 165lb
D1. Weighted Ring Dips @ 20X0, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
D2. Weighted Pronated Chin-ups @ 20X0, 3-5 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
A. 195#, 200#, 200# (only got 1 rep) did an extra set to make it up 190#(3) all plus 60# of chains
B. 140# x 3 sets, 145# x 3 sets, 148# x 1 set
C.165#, 170#, 175#, 180#
D1. 20# x 6, 25# x 6, 30# x 5, 30# x 4
D2. 25# x 5, 30# x 4, 30# x 4, 30# x 4
Notes; Flew in from New York late last night, but felt decent considering the amount of travel I did in a single weekend, also coming from east to west is much easier (time zone wise). I pretty much already live on east coast time because of my early mornings and early nights, thrilling. I went to NY this weekend to help celebrate my grandma's surprise 70th bday , so she had no idea I was going out to see her. It was great to see my entire family, and she was so happy I made the trip. The squats today were tough, I felt completely dead after the first set of 200# plus chains, but attempted another set at the same weight, on the second rep of the second set of 200# I just crumbled and dumped it off my back. Didn't want to count that as a set so I went down to 190#plus chains and it felt super tough. I was a bit worried how I would hold up for the remainder of the work out, but I was fine. I think the travel got to me a little as I lacked some energy but my numbers were right about where I wanted them to be for today's session. 
PM - Swimming MAP
15 sets of 1 minute of continuous Freestyle Swimming, rest as needed b/t sets to keep 1 minute efforts consistent in PRE and distance
Completed, I was getting a little over 50m per min, I started with 1 min on/1 min off to keep the timing easier because I forgot my watch so I was using the pool clock. I felt pretty good after 6 sets of this so I cut my rest down to 45 seconds and felt fine throughout. Still not a great swimmer but getting better, I feel like I move 10x better in the water than I used to, the lifeguard asked me what I do for my sport and I told him I am a collegiate swimmer, I never told him I was joking and I am sure he still is really confused haha!!

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