Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sept 18th Double

AM -  Rowing LP2/LEnd
Row 500m @ 97% x 3 sets, 12 min b/t
***Felt good throughout the first row and recovery was good, but crashed in the middle of the second row. 5 seconds is a huge difference. Took a while to recovery but after nearly 16 min I stared with the 3rd. Not happy with the way the repeats went, which is why I was reluctant to only do 2 even though Joey Warren told me to stop. However I am happy to know that if I had to do only one at 100% I am confident I could have PR'd that today. I just need to get good at 2 repeats for the OPTathlon with 90 seconds rest, not 12 mins......

Complete the following, each for time @ 85-90% effort:
Run 1,600m - sub 7 min
6:59 close call with turn arounds, but wanted to keep it @ 90%
5 min rest
5 rounds:
10 Wall Balls - 14#
8 Toes to Bar
6 Kipping Ring Dips
5:16 all sets unbroken
*my upper body and abs are fatigued from yesterday's weight vest dip/pullup portion of the training session, felt that during this especially on the dips.
5 min rest
5 rounds:
30 sec Airdyne 
30 sec Burpees to 6" OH
10 to 11 reps each set of burpees, airdyne didn't feel too great/powerful
5 min rest
500 Double Unders for time
my rope broke on rep 242 so i stopped and waited like 10 min (until i could find another rope) then restarted and did 500 in 6:56, Felt decent throughout considering the situation and using a rope that wasn't mine. 
After this I coincidentally received my first RPM rope. A few mins too late for today but I can't wait to use it :)

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