Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept 17th

Went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin this weekend. Did my Saturday Tester there but haven't updated since

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps of
thrusters 45#
pull ups
7:21 (had to break the set of 15 pullups 12/3 but everything else ub)
Compared to 7:47 in march

Had to switch the AM and PM sessions today because I had to stay a bit later at work and I wasn't sure if the pool would be open, so just switched them so I wouldn't have to think about it. 
PM - Swimming MAP
Swim 25m,50m,75m,100m,25m,50m,75m,100m,100m,25m,50m,75m,100m, rest 1 minute after each distance - try to hold same pacing for each distance
Held about 28 sec 
AM - Jumping + Clean and Jerk moderate + Snatch moderate + Front Squat Moderate + Upper CP tester 
A. Vertical Jump with walk-in, 1 max effort rep every 30 sec for 5 minutes - jump to touch wall
B. Power Clean and Split Jerk Cluster, build to 185lb for a single, no missing
C. Above Knee Squat Snatch Wave, 1 rep x 12 sets, 1:30 min - loading - 105/115/125/135/110/120/130/140/115/125/135/145
D. Front Squat @ 20X1, 3-2-1, 4-5 min - 85-90% effort per set, not max
E. For time - wearing a 20lb vest:
10 L Pull-ups
15 Strict Ring Dips
10 C2B Chin-ups
15 Kipping Ring Dips
10 Kipping Chin-ups
A. Completed, I hit the 9ft wall ball target twice, other jumps were close to it
B. Completed, power clean was easy, jerk was ok but feel like i have lost some pressing strength, could just be one of those days though
C. Completed, felt pretty good
D. 185#, 195#, 200# feels good to know I am getting better at squatting 200# 
E. 7:23 the dips (both strict and kipping sets) killed me and my L position is sad. 20# vest made everything pretty tough!

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