Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aug 28

AM -  Rowing LP2/LEnd
Row 50 seconds @ 500m PR x 5 sets, rest 6 min b/t sets - damper 5
1st set 251m, 2nd thru 5th set 252m
All 500m paces between 1:39.2 and 1:39.7
Felt MUCH better today than last Tuesday's

PM - MAP Scenario's (Running 1st each time)
Complete the following, each for time @ 85-90% effort:
Run 1 mile
7:18 with lots of turn arounds but felt great
7 min rest
21,15,9 rep rds for time:
Wall Balls - 14# to 9 ft
Burpees - no jump @ top
Box Jumps - 24" - step down 
7 min rest
4 rounds for time:
100 Double Unders
10 DL @ 135lb
6:47 had some trips on the du's along the way

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