Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aug 21st

5 x Row 250m @ 97%, rest 4 min b/t - damper 5, goal is less than half 500m PR time each set
did not do the 5th set, could not recover. Felt fine throughout everything until 2 minutes into my recovery for the last set, when my legs, arms, and even abs started cramping, called it there and did not feel very well for at least an hour.

PM - MAP (short end, high %'s)
5 sets @ 85-90%:
AMRAP Muscle-ups 6, 4, 5, 5, 5
Run 200m didnt time runs, just went at 85% to 90%
Walk 1 min b/t
5 min
5 sets @ 85-90%:
15 DL @ 115lb
75 Double Unders
Walk 1 min b/t
Sets were around 67 to 72 sec

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