Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aug 14th

Squat Snatch. Snatch Balance, 1.1 x 5 sets, 2 min - start @ 70% RM, no more than 85% RM
110#, 115#, 120#, 125#, 130# felt good and easy still want to spend more time here
5 sets:
3 tough touch n go Power Snatch
10 sec transition
30 sec Row @ 100% 
5 min b.t
115#/ 155m
feels good to power snatch 125# for a tngx3 :)
3 sets ALL OUT:
60 sec Bupees to 6" OH
6 min b.t
26 reps
25 reps
25 reps
PM - MAP (short end, high %'s)
5 sets @ 85-90%:
10 Thrusters @ 75lb
Row 300m
Rest 90 sec b/t
1:35, 1:33, 1:33, 1:35, 1:36
felt much better than the thruster/du combo last week
5 min
5 sets @ 85-90%:
10 DL @ 115lb
75 Double Unders
Rest 90 sec b/t
:54, :54, :57, :56, :59
all du's unbroken except last set


  1. I read your blog every morning when i get in to work. Keep up the awesome work! Road to the games 2013!!
