Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Weds Double

Feeling a little sore today from yesterday. I had a feeling my legs were going to be sore from the higher volume with moderate-heavier weight. My traps are also a little sore today too.

AM - LEnd1
4 sets @ 95% effort:
15 Push-up Burpees - jump to touch 6" overhead
30 sec Airdyne
6 min b/t sets
1:04, 1:03, 1:05, 1:04
Notes: I have not missed these LEndurance repeats, at all. They are as awful as I remember. Sets 1 and 2 felt good, sets 3 and 4 were tougher in the sense that my legs burned more and wasn't feeling as quick but my time does not reflect this which surprises me, I felt at least 5 seconds slower but I guess not. 
PM - MAP low end
10 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
Run 200m
10 KBS - 24kg
6 rounds + 200m
Legs felt heavy. Breathing was pretty high but seemed somewhat controlled.
--10 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
Row 400m
AMRAP Ring Dips
5 rounds
Dip reps: 17(pr), 10, 6, 7, 7
*time expired right when I grabbed the rings for the 5th set, but completed the set anyways. Stoked to get a set of 17 ring dips. 

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