Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16

A. Power Snatch, build to 135 for a single
B. OHS @ 20X1, 3-3-3 @ 90%, 3 min b/t sets
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3-3-3 @ 90%, 3 min b/t sets
D. For consistent effort/time:
15 Wall Balls - 14#
10-15 sec
15 Wall Balls - 14#
10-15 sec
15 Wall Balls - 14#
10-15 sec
30 Double Unders
5 sec
30 Double Unders
5 sec
30 Double Unders
30 sec
5 Muscle-ups as fast/smart as possible
A. Built up with ease, felt strong today. 3 sets to get to 135# (115, 125, 135)
B. 135#, 145#, 150#
C. 190#, 195#, 200#
D. 4:00 (including rests)
Felt great, took 10 sec b/t wall balls, DU's unbroken except the last set I stopped at 25 because I wasn't thinking, then finished 5 quickly. 5 MU's (2-1-1-1) completed in 45 seconds. 

15 min Airdyne @ 50% (Completed)
Handstand Walk tech work (felt good here 4 sets of 8m unbroken. Felt controlled and was also able to breathe while HSWalking) 
Pistol tech work (Felt great. Did some warm up with as close to perfect form as I can get. Then did 15 unbroken on right leg, then left. 10 unbroken/leg. then ended with a set of 5 unbroken/leg. Right leg is easier.)
GH Sit-ups - 50 reps total (2 sets of 25 reps)
15 min Airdyne @ 50% (Competed)

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