Thursday, March 15, 2012

Recovery & Reflection

10 min Row @ 50% effort
10 min mobility/stretching
10 min Airdyne @ 50% effort
10 min mobility/stretching
10 min Running @ 50% effort
I have been reflecting on my gains in training since October, which is when I began to work with Michael. I have come a long way so I thought it would be cool to share some of that progress. First thing is huge improvements on strength when everybody already thought I was "strong". And even better are the gains I have made on straight work, I am finally learning how to breathe and move without feeling like absolute crap. My ability to handle work and volume is getting a lot better. I used to be good for 1 heavy rep but now I can handle more weight for longer time durations and I think a lot of this has to do with the cluster/complex work Michael has been programming for me. The other day I remember doing 1 power clean, 2 tng squat cleans, into 3 front squats. I completed this complex at 170#, every rep was at a touch and go speed and I did not let go of the bar until my last front squat. I thought that was pretty cool. Other improvements, especially in my lactate endurance sessions, have been coming along very well. My MAP sessions have been some of my favorite, I feel like I accomplish a lot of work and I usually just learn how to handle volume in a higher heart rate environment, something I used to just crumble with. 
Here is a quick break down of some of the statistics, I will probably think of more and add to this post within the next few days but I wanted to get it out there. My old times stats are black, new ones are blue. 
Fran: 3:23
Grace: 2:43 --> 1:46 
Jackie: 9:41--> 8:17
1k Row: 3:51.3 --> 3:46.7
3k Run: 14:14 --> 13:43
Pull-ups: 31 --> 25 c2b
Deadlift: 300# --> 315#
Back Squat: 225# --> 233#
Front squat: 190# --> 200#
OHS: 165# --> 180#
Snatch: 69 kg (151.8#) --> 158#
Power Snatch: 135# --> 148#
Hang Power Snatch 115# --> 135#
Clean: 185# --> 193#
Power Clean: 183# --> 190#
Clean & Jerk: 175# --> 185#
Jerk: 175# --> 193# and 175# (x3)
Strict Press: 110# --> 115#
Ring HSPU 11 reps
Muscle Ups: 3 unbroken reps --> 6 unbroken reps
Ring Dips: 16 reps

Pretty reassuring and motivating to see a simple break down like this. 

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