It turns out that my score for 12.3 didn't hold up very well. I feel like I might be doing something wrong, I am sitting in over 100th place in NorCal, it is pathetic. Bottom line is I needed to do a lot more burpees and more reps on 12.3 but HOW. I tried my hardest and it just still is not getting me to where I want to be. It's pretty unmotivating to know I work my ass off everyday to be over 100th place in NorCal. I will need some really good work outs for me to fight back to the top 60. I need something short and heavy and something highly skilled like HSPU/MU so I can pass up some of the people ahead of me because I can't do it with the work outs I have been given so far.
10 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
Row 300m
7 RIng Dips
6 rounds + 205m row
All ring dips unbroken
--10 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
40 sec Airdyne
40 sec Walking Lunges
40 sec KBS - 16kg
Completed, I didnt count reps I was getting too confused with the time as it is. Felt consistent, my speed on the airdyne was the only thing that decreased throughout the 10 min but not by much. Felt like I got a solid 10 mins of straight work, it was tough.
--10 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
Row 200m
10 Push-ups
20 Unanchored Sit-ups
6 rounds. Push ups were 5/5 with 2 sec b/t sets. sit ups unbroken with ease.
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