Saturday, March 10, 2012


Open 12.3
8 rounds + 11 box jumps = 299 reps

I feel good about this. Stayed calm and consistent from the beginning. Box jumps were bounding off the ground for the first maybe 5 rounds, with a few seconds at the top to breathe on each one, then I switched to step downs until the last round. I started to get tired and wanted to save myself from hitting a wall too early, switching to step downs made a difference. Push presses all sets unbroken, felt strong here. Legs were fatiguing on these (quads), shoulders were fine the entire time. Toes to bar were 5/4 the whole way until the last set which was in 3 sets I think. Overall I felt good, we will see where this puts me. I went in with the right attitude and a good plan and was able to stick to it; started calm throughout, the middle was a bit slower, and was able to push through the last 2 minutes at a slightly faster pace.

Airdyne 10 minutes @ 75% effort
10 min hip/calf/glute stretching
Airdyne 10 minutes @ 75% effort
10 min shoulder/pec stretching
Airdyne 10 minutes @ 75% effort

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