Wednesday, March 7, 2012

LEnd Tester & MAP Scenarios

For time:
30 Thrusters - 65lb
30 Push-up Burpees
300m Row
*goal is sub 3:45 min
Felt better than I usually do during the LEnd Testers. 30 thrusters was the perfect amount, definitely didn't have 35 in me. 30 burpees was the perfect amount, definitely didn't have 35 in me at that pace, and 300m was a good distance, would not have lasted much longer. 10 seconds after I was done I felt horrible, but I was able to finish the work out before that feeling set in which was good. I finally made one of the "goals", I feel like I have fallen short of a lot of these testers/goals lately so this gave me some confidence. All day I was dead after this. I was coughing and just super tired and slow, ended up taking a 2 hour nap before hitting the PM session.
For time @ high aerobic effort:
Chin-ups - 15,12,9,6,3
Double Unders - 50,50,50,50,50
Notes: pull ups unbroken with ease. First 3 sets of DU's unbroken, 4th set had 1 trip, 5th set was rough, about 4-5 trips.
5 min recovery
Row 1000m @ 80% effort
3 min recovery
3 sets @ high aerobic effort:
45 sec Airdyne
45 sec KBS - 16kg
Completed: this was really tough. Airdyne monitor is broken, KBS reps 24/23/24
3 min recovery
Run 1000m @ 80%
3 min recovery
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rds for time @ high aerobic:
DL - 95lb
Box Jumps - 20"
Notes: 95# felt heavier than I thought it would, box jumps felt better than usual, push ups were the limiting factor

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