Sunday, February 26, 2012

MAP Multi

MAP Multi

10 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
5 Wall Balls - 14#
10 Box Jumps - 24" - step down every rep
Run 100m
7 rounds + 10 BJ
Notes: Felt really good and efficient here.

--10 min recovery

10 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
7 OHS - 45lb
7 toes to bar
35 double unders
6 rounds + 22 DU
Notes: Felt a bit sloppy here, t2b were out of rythm and only 1 set of DU were unbroken

--10 min recovery

10 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
Row 400m
Run 400m
2 rounds + 400m Row
Notes: Side cramped up but still was able to move okay, legs felt heavy.

Overall felt relatively good and recovery was good too. Felt ready to go after the 10 min recovery. 

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