Tuesday, February 28, 2012

158# Snatch!

A. Squat Snatch, build to a tough single
B. Power Clean. Squat Clean. Front Squat, 1.2.3 x 4 sets, 5 min
C. AMRAP in 15 minutes:
15 unbroken Chin-ups
A. 155# (+2# pr) then 158# PR! (+5# pr)
B. 155#, 160#, 165#, 170# Felt good here. Legs were strong, it was mostly trying to get air and handle the heavy weight in the rack position for what seemed to be a very long time. 
C. 7 rounds + 15 unbroken pull ups kept the HSPU all strict and was always ready to do pull ups by the time I got back to them. Felt good, it was tough to plan a pace for this one and probably would have been crazy if I did kipping HSPU's, most sets of HSPU were done in 3 sets of 5. 

Overall felt good today. Felt strong and had a lot of fun throughout the entire work out today. 
I keep forgetting to charge my camera so it died early on. The video of my 158# snatch is in really poor quality from being flipped and ran through a few different programs. It looks great on my phone though. Wanted to video part B but didn't feel like dealing with my phone and the camera was dead. 

158# Snatch from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.

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