Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LEnd Tester & Map Scenarios

Open wod 2 was announced today. Looks like a much better one for me than last week. I love snatches and it's one of my better, if not my best lift. I am mentally back in it. I have been pretty bummed out since 12.1 because I wasn't able to prove myself, but I am ready to attack 12.2 with confidence and excitement.
For time:
Power Clean (115lb) - 10,8,6,4,2
Run - 100m,100m,100m,100m,100m
WOW. This was a lot worse than I thought. I initially thought "I wonder if this will create the lactate endurance feel..." damn, everything burned especially my legs and lungs and grip got fatigued. Unbroken sets of power cleans but that was rough. 

Row 1000m @ 80% effort
3 min recovery
21,15,9 rep rds for time @ high aerobic effort:
Box Jumps - 20"
KBS - 16kg
It's been a while since I have done bounding box jumps but I felt springy. Bounding box jumps usually kill me. Legs and breathing were great. 
3 min recovery
Run 1000m @ 80% effort
3 min recovery
10 rounds @ high aerobic effort:
3 Ring Dips
10 Squats
Felt great. Everything was unbroken. Legs felt great until round 9 and 10 where the burn started to set in, but luckily it was near the end and I pushed through fine
3 min recovery
Row 1000m @ 80%

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