Friday, February 10, 2012


Really good day of training today. I got my list of work outs for the week on Monday and I have been thinking about Grace this entire time. I had 3 midterms this week and that wasn't even what was on my mind. Today was a great day for me; hitting 3 PRs. Training tomorrow and I'm in for a fun surprise on Sunday... 2 nasty testers.

A. Split jerk, build to 1 rm
B. Overhead squat, build to a 1 RM
C. Grace as rx'd - use a push jerk to get bar overhead once you start to get should be thinking 20 unbroken or more to start.
A. 193# PR (+3#)
B. 180# PR (+15#) 180# felt great, I just couldn't get anything over 180# stabilized overhead. My shoulder was locking up on me and was feeling a bit funny, didn't want to push it. Happy with 180# but I know that getting the weight overhead is what's limiting me, I believe I could handle more weight for the OHS, but getting it overhead is part of the lift. 
C. 1:46 (:57 second PR) very proud of myself. Form wasn't ideal and I could have been more efficient but I had 2 goals: 20+ unbroken and sub 2 mins. Notes on Grace: 22 unbroken to start, then small sets. Remembered to breath and that felt fine, grip was surprisingly okay, just need to be more disciplined to drop under the jerk and not waste so much energy push pressing everything. Around rep 24 I saw a solid line of like yellow in front of my eyes so I know I was pushing hard and digging deep. Recovery after was good, felt bad for about 60 seconds then was okay. 

193# Split jerk + 180# OHS+ Grace in 1:46 from Chelsea Ryan on Vimeo.